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Chief Officer

(Management Team)

CEO Message

전주호 대표 메시지

We are now living in a flood of data. Security threats are constantly shifting and diversifying as the amount of data becomes larger and larger, yet we are experiencing a lack of human resources to respond to it. This is concerning for the ever-evolving threat landscape. The human-centred manual response is quickly turning into a legacy system. 

Since its establishment in 2021, SecuLayer has been researching and developing big data processing and artificial intelligence technologies to integrate and standardize threat responsive systems, and automate security operations. As a result, our level of technologies are up to the automated system for incident response and providing guidelines to the operators. This is proven by our pioneering use case in the largest national data centre in Korea, NIRS, where our automated security response system is implemented in.

Our further vision lies in developing active and adaptive security systems that predict threats in real-time to prevent incidents, and manage and process countless devices and data with less human resources.

We will continue to act as a trailblazer in developing next-generation technologies in security with our intelligent teams of employees.

전주호 대표 사인
Jeon, Juho (CEO)

About CEO

Chief Officer

Chief Officer




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SecuLayer, Inc. 14th Floor, Seongsuil-ro 4-gil 25, Seongdong-gu, Seoul

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